Stress and Anxiety Management

The consultations here at Simply Health Clinic UK for Stress and anxiety management are designed to help you find your inner voice / wisdom and finding your own belief system and feeling confident about it:

Recent research has demonstrated that most adults are now ‘lost’ in their thoughts more than 50% of their waking time. This means that rather than being present, ‘experiencing’ life, they are instead distracted by mental activity. What’s more, 90% of these thoughts are the same ones they had yesterday, such that half of their life is not just lost in thought, but it’s lost in ‘unproductive’ thought which often leads to increased stress levels, anxiety and depression.

Such unproductive thoughts include judgements, self-consciousness, doubt, queries anxieties, worries and internal statements that reinforce ‘desired’ behaviour. To help manage these thoughts Paula Myrie is an accredited Counsellor and Naturopath at Simply Health Clinic UK and offers a Counselling Service along with Alternative & Complementary Medicine practice where necessary to  help reduce and eliminate stress and anxiety levels. This is also achieved by working together with you to obtain the following outcomes:

  • Reconnect with your feelings
  • Deepen your relationships
  • Improve your life skills
  • Make sure that your life has a meaningful purpose
  • Reassess where you’re going in life
  • Decide what strategy will best get you there

Wish to discuss this further?

If you want to book an appointment or have questions you’d like answered, don’t hesitate to get in touch.